Invited speakers
Marta Carroni
Stockholm University, Sweden
Bioinformatics of cryo-EM data analysis: getting the most out of molecules’ images and combining them with prediction methods

Sonja Welsch
MPI Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany
Balancing throughput and innovation in a multi-user EM facility
Inauguration of the new Titan Krios G4
The France Cryo-EM project, funded by Equipex+ / PIA3, has enabled the installation of three high-end cryo-electron microscopes on the national platforms of the FRISBI centers.
One of these microscopes, installed at the ESRF in Grenoble (with additional funding from the ESRF and Labex Gral), is operated as the CRG2, CM02 beamline, by the IBS and ISBG.
To celebrate this important installation for the French structural biology community and for the IBS, Winfried Weissenhorn, Director of the IBS, and Guy Schoehn, Grenoble’s scientific leader of the France Cryo-EM project, are pleased to invite you to a half-day inauguration on November 8, 2024, starting at 2:00 PM on the EPN Campus in Grenoble, 71 av. des Martyrs, Grenoble.
A scientific conference will be held between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM at the IBS.
8th of November 2024 – IBS Seminar room/hallway
Grenoble cryoEM club meeting #3
09:00 Arrival and coffee
09:30 Meeting introduction: Isai Kandiah, Felix Weis, Wojtek Galej
09:45 Marta Carroni, Stockholm University, SE
10:30 Philipp Erdmann, Human Technopole, IT
11:15 Sonja Welsch,MPI Biophysics, DE
12:00 Buffet lunch, IBS Hallway
CM02 Inauguration talk
14:00 Introduction: Guy Schoehn
14:10 Keynote talk: Helen Saibil, Birkbeck College, UK
16:45 Cocktail reception (ESRF)